Thursday, November 17, 2011

Stages of busy life without missing fun in it !!!

Busy ...Busy ......Busy ...

I donno what am I doing , but  I can say strongly I have been busy all the day :p
And...... Day by Day as time passes I am getting more busy than earlier :D

During my job days in chennai, I was busy with heavy project schedule and weekend masti :) Weekdays busy busy work in office til late night, weekends busy busy timing with friends , chit chat with roomies till late night :) Busy with Fun .... enjoyed LIFE and learnt a LOT about LIFE during this busy phase of my life :)

During my married life in Singapore, days were more busier than before, We both have to go for job, new place, different food, have to prepare box for both early in morning and more than that , got to travel 45  min to and fro everyday for job.........uuuffhhh,, I still wonder how did we manage to do all things those days.. even weekends were busy as the day starts at 12- 1PM for us :) even if we woke up early it would for a date outside :) Life has become more busy with much FUN, surprises and excitement  in my new life :)

and nowwwwwwww, most loving phase of my life I would say,,, I am most busy than ever, and I am enjoying life at most than anytime...... Full time goes with my loving kid, his mischief...... How innocent these kids are.....Why cant we all ppl be such innocent for ever :p I doesn't even have time to think about job, and why to think lifez amazing like this,, why cant it be like this for some more time :)

Is life leading towards busyness all the time :D what ever time you see, its busy , busy and more busy :)
But by god grace all the time he was with me and made me enjoy the true color of life ........... Bottom line I want to say ,, however busy you are.......... dont ever miss fun in your life, enjoy life at max, coz you never know you have another chance or not :)

cheers buddies :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Birthday Blast****

Celebrated my 26th bday with bittu ............ ahhh ,,,, had a wonderful day 

Since 2005 there has been something (small or big) special kind of a thing for my birthday and I realised / recollected / memorised / cherished (what ever) it recently .... :) so as there has been no posts in my blog since loong time... just scribbling this bla bla bla..... :) bare with it... 

2005 September 3 - was in my final year B.Tech and I celebrated my birthday in a party with all my classmates and friends ... Thanks to all of them :) had a fun filled n joyous evening on that day .. 

2006 September 3 -  I was a trainee in Satyam ( first Job) , and living with my big bro , had celebration in home at midnight 12 and again in office as trainee.... Had a gr8 day .... 

2007 September 3 - Placed in Project in Chennai through Satyam... had a blast on that day ... roomies celebrated my day with cake cutting .. showered me with gifts, foam , sprays, cake  and above all with their love...   and had party with teammates again in ofc.... thnx to each one of them for making this day cherishble for ever.. :) 

2008 September 3 - I am engaged :) and obviously he made my day though we both are at different places :p

2009 September 3 - Married and in Singapore - Chaitu Celebrated my day as I never ever had before, he made me feel  - I am Queen of the World . I am on cloud 9 and above on that day ... I just cant say thnx for his never ending love... sweeeetest bday I  ever had.... 

2010 September 3 - I am pregnant and about to have a baby and we are back to India soo  all to gether in high spirits.... celebrated the day for first  time at my in - laws place with them loads of gifts too :) 

2011 September 3 - Bittu  with meeee.... He makes me feel special in every way possible... all my days are filled with his smiles,cries and funfilled acts.... Celebrated my day with my little champ....

thank u god for making me to live my LIFE ... :) 

Thursday, July 7, 2011

??? ?? ?

What are we struggling every day for ??? 

Money.... the only thing that shapes a man ??? Money has greatest priorities in every ones lives.... for our every basic need, we must have money ... so man goes on striving hard to get that money as much as possible to make his family happy and provide all luxuries for his children.... 


In this process he may not realize that he is missing a lot that is more worthy.... His priority towards his family... its not just sufficient if you say I am struggling for my family and give them money... Is it not his responsibility to take care of his entire family and share love for them ???

Hmmm with increasing Schools and colleges Orphanage/old age home count also started going up..... children are in a position that they cant take responsibility of their parents and grand parents.. and these people will be first to talk about responsibilities, human values, ethics etc ... etc.. 

 Its my fate and bad luck  I come across such people... I really do hate them and wish I never again come across such people .... 

A well educated person , got married , had 2 kids... very busy with his work life... Moves places most of time as part of his job... When his wife asked just a few days of his busy life... he cant spend with her.... and his great opinion on that - "work chesthu inthintha sampadinchi isthunnanu , malli kalisi undali atu itu tippali ante ela andi... naake time ledu ...its so ridiculous...." Whats soo ridiculous if a wife asks his husband to spend few days happily with her.... then in that case why he married that innocent lady ..???  If at all I get a chance I feel like breaking his head into pieces then and there with hammer...... 

Another story of another great family... husband and wife does same business , both are house agents in Singapore... House rentals, selling a house etc... Morning at 8 if they leave their house ,, they come back  home late in  night.... they don't cook at home... they eat every day out side, both cover different locations so they wont even meet all the day....they had a son of about 8 years and he stays in India with his grand parents..... poor thing is he doesn't recognize his father if they visit India... and he doesn't even go to his mother affectionately....  what kind of a relation do they have??? Kid not recognizing his father and that gr8 father doesn't realize his biggest SIN... may be when he gt to knw what he missed in his busy LIFE... it will be too late for him..... 

My uncle is running an old age home in our place (ganapavaram - 3 kms from chilakaluripet). a 70 yrs old lady is daily waiting to hear from her children and grand children.... every day night she sleeps with a thought they would call her the next day ... all day she would be longing to talk to them and finally her day ends with despair .. she continues to wait but never curse her children or grand children for not calling her.. When I asked , with a smile she told me or perhaps she told to her self.. "they might be busy with their lives.. other wise they would have definitively called  me to talk" .... poor granny.... she had 3 daughters and her grand children all are well settled, but they doesn't have time to look after her and they made her stay in old age home like an orphan... What are they gaining with all the money they earn....  I had a talk with her for about an hour but she din't even utter a single negative word on her children who made her life like that... tht's a Mothers Heart... a Grand Parent's thought... 

Please .. please .. please be a bit responsible towards your FAMILY.. share just not money but your love for them .... 

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Teenage ....

All along life at every stage we keep on thinking , this period is crucial for me to go heights in LIFE.

BUT - among all stages TEENAGE is the most crucial time for every person... teenage is filled with Joy, Excitement  Full Enthu, Confusions , assumptions....... This is the deciding time whether he goes heights or stand still...This is the most confusing stage where - he makes many assumptions for himself ... live in dreams about coming life.. At this stage if he can balance his life and take correct path  he can MASTER his life else.......the other way...

 Now a days we hear a lot..... a girl committed suicide in hostel room - girl and boy took poison and are in critical stage - girl killed by boy as she dint accept his love... many many many as such .....   Most of the ppl in news are teenagers....

should we die ourselves (committing suicide) if we fail in LOVE?? should we kill other person if she/he doesn't accept our love... Why don't we think about our parents and their love for us before doing such nasty acts??? Don't they love us.. Parents Love is Unconditional ,,,,without any expectations .. without any boundaries.... endless... If we think for a while about them may be we can avoid most of our mischievous deeds..... 

I am not against LOVE .. but I am just worried about innocent ppl who take hasty decisions for LOVE and spoil their life... Definitively LOVE is very important part in our LIVES..its highly impossible to survive without LOVE... But it doesn't mean we have to get LOVE from opposite sex and torture them to give us the same. We get LOVE from our parents, We learn to LOVE from them ... We get LOVE from our friends, We Learn to spread LOVE through them... We Get LOVE from our soul mate , we know it lasts for ever and ever..... 

There are many other things apart from LOVE which we need to achieve and accomplish... Please do not spoil your life with all stupid confusions on love and assuming you cant stay with out that single persons love..... Just think about your people when you take any hasty decision.... once you think about your people ,, their thought gives you strength and make you realize its not you but the other person is not lucky  to have you.... Even if you don't accept or you don't like , things will not stop once its decided to happen that way. Be positive, think in a better way and improve yourself to be a better person in society, then you need not go for anyone... everyone will follow you on your path.... 

THINK BETTER, BE THE BEST :) Make your Teenage a nice MEMORY but not a NIGHTMARE in your LIFE.... Stay HAPPY - stay COOL...

PS : I am not gr8 pandit to advise people. I just want to pen down my view... If you like it take it as advise else just pass away the article to someone else... thank u for your time :) 

Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Days Memories....

Ramya , pramod and myself were playing with bhagat and suddenly pramod questioned me "When will bhagat start to identify people and remember things??" As I answered him , ramya and myself started discussing what all we remember from our child hood starting from kindergarten.... and that discussion ended as a post in my blog :) 

I remember few things from my kindergarten level...  childhood friends, school group photographs, bunking school without mom's notice, exhibition preparations, anniversary celebrations, silly fights between friends, stupid arguments with classmates, study hours, extra classes etc etc...  those days were like little busy , more fun - entertainment.

In my 2nd standard (studying in L.E.M School ) I guess, my mom left me in school and she came back home and was busy in her house hold activities as usual ...  My grand father went and asked her why is it holiday for me??? She was a bit shocked at that question and replied saying, it was not a holiday and she dropped me in school as well ... Grand father was more surprised and told her.. How is it possible??? Lakshmi is sleeping in my room !!!!!!!!   (I came back home soon after my mother left from school and slept with my grand father with out saying anything... He thought it was holiday for me and so only I returned from school :) ) Other time I left school early, came home , and was eating close up tooth paste hiding under my grannies bed :) I even used to eat slate pencils a lot that time :) 

That was the stage when we were sooo innocent, we believe everyone, we play with everyone, we do what ever we want to do  and enjoy life. we have fun and games... (అల్లరి చేసిన కూడా ముద్దులే ముద్దులు :) )

Later I was moved to S.V.B.K school, where they give same importance to studies as well as extra curricular activities.  I was joined in school dance troupe and used to perform in school anniversary programs. we used to have exhibition every year, we need to prepare and exhibit our knowledge in any subject.  Till date I exactly dunno what opinion my teachers used to have on me , my behavior and attitude... but I used to participate in each and every activity in those days... whether it is an elocution , essay writing , music competition or  dance performance I used to enroll myself for every thing.... and participated in all activities....  

That was the stage when I  learned different things of socialism.. That was when I was academically poor in social studies but not in being socialistic... I never expected to win a prize in everything I participated, but I just showed my enthu in all activities...

Apart from participating in different activities we friends used to have lot of fun ... combined studies.... birthday parties... spirit games (though I never played)... silly disputes... (at that time those were real serious fights but now on recollecting I cant stop laughing how we used to fight for silly things those daz... ) , lunch time chit chat, fighting with classmates for places during lunch time, sharing lunch boxes with friends and those exam times....... I still remember  showing my paper to every one and get scoldings from teachers for that... I was just an average student  but enjoyment was at top in those days.... Its really refreshing recollecting all those good old school days.... I miss those daz... but had loads of memories of those times to cherish 

love those days forever :) :) :) 

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heart Vs Mind

I alwaz Wonder.....
We feel about other people that they are -  not understanding us ... non co-operative , not listening to our words.... 
BUT ---  We alone are in confusion many times - what to choose..???
Heart and Mind 2 entities that rule our life .... Most of the times differ in opinion and leave us in confusion... 

Heart - center of all emotions -  You can have a feeling today and tomorrow it may change... change happens for many reasons... situations, behavior, circumstances, people, relations  etc..etc... 
Heart is very sensitive ... It gets hurt easily, It gets exited fast.. It gets emotional soon....

Mind has no Emotions. It Only knows fact that life is full of ups and downs...
Mind sticks on one decision or one feeling it never changes it... Some time the decision may be from heart,,, sometime it may not... 

Yet times, they both create confusion within me.......which leads to disturbance...... 
I am confused on whom to listen ??? 
I am Happy for the decisions I make from my Heart, I am even satisfied for the ones I make with my Mind... 

This Or That ..........
An Unanswered Question Running in my mind since long time....................

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day !!!


Every Year - 
 I  greet my Great MOM on this day and make her day special...
 I  search for Special gift for her and Surprise her...
 I  think of many quotes, messages to let her know how special she is...
 I  would do many small things and make her realize she is Perfect....
 I do All I could do to make her so Special...

This Year .... Apart From All these ....

 I was engaged all the day

     looking after my little baby all the time,
     making him sleep comfortably,
     protecting him from this bloody summer days,
     laughing at his little games,
     enjoying his cute smile,
     busy trying to decode his code language :)
And Suddenly I realized ------------
     I was so Special because of my Kid
     I am complete with my baby ...
     I feel great to be represented as Aditya Bhagat's MOM ...
     I want to be Perfect in everything for my little Boy ...
     I experienced the pleasure of  Mother Hood ...
     Its a great feeling being a MOM.... Can't even Express it in words.... 
     I am Happy , Glad , On cloud 9 -10 -11......

Back with A Bang ...

Its been looongg.. since I have written something in my blog.. I have been busy with many things.. and there are many updates tooo.. We are back to India from singapore... its already more than 6 months we have been in India too... India is busy country than singapore and so I am .... :)

soooo... planning to strt my blog again with many world matters and all about my little kiddooo too...
hope will do so if I wont get busy again.....