Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heart Vs Mind

I alwaz Wonder.....
We feel about other people that they are -  not understanding us ... non co-operative , not listening to our words.... 
BUT ---  We alone are in confusion many times - what to choose..???
Heart and Mind 2 entities that rule our life .... Most of the times differ in opinion and leave us in confusion... 

Heart - center of all emotions -  You can have a feeling today and tomorrow it may change... change happens for many reasons... situations, behavior, circumstances, people, relations  etc..etc... 
Heart is very sensitive ... It gets hurt easily, It gets exited fast.. It gets emotional soon....

Mind has no Emotions. It Only knows fact that life is full of ups and downs...
Mind sticks on one decision or one feeling it never changes it... Some time the decision may be from heart,,, sometime it may not... 

Yet times, they both create confusion within me.......which leads to disturbance...... 
I am confused on whom to listen ??? 
I am Happy for the decisions I make from my Heart, I am even satisfied for the ones I make with my Mind... 

This Or That ..........
An Unanswered Question Running in my mind since long time....................

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