Thursday, May 19, 2011

School Days Memories....

Ramya , pramod and myself were playing with bhagat and suddenly pramod questioned me "When will bhagat start to identify people and remember things??" As I answered him , ramya and myself started discussing what all we remember from our child hood starting from kindergarten.... and that discussion ended as a post in my blog :) 

I remember few things from my kindergarten level...  childhood friends, school group photographs, bunking school without mom's notice, exhibition preparations, anniversary celebrations, silly fights between friends, stupid arguments with classmates, study hours, extra classes etc etc...  those days were like little busy , more fun - entertainment.

In my 2nd standard (studying in L.E.M School ) I guess, my mom left me in school and she came back home and was busy in her house hold activities as usual ...  My grand father went and asked her why is it holiday for me??? She was a bit shocked at that question and replied saying, it was not a holiday and she dropped me in school as well ... Grand father was more surprised and told her.. How is it possible??? Lakshmi is sleeping in my room !!!!!!!!   (I came back home soon after my mother left from school and slept with my grand father with out saying anything... He thought it was holiday for me and so only I returned from school :) ) Other time I left school early, came home , and was eating close up tooth paste hiding under my grannies bed :) I even used to eat slate pencils a lot that time :) 

That was the stage when we were sooo innocent, we believe everyone, we play with everyone, we do what ever we want to do  and enjoy life. we have fun and games... (అల్లరి చేసిన కూడా ముద్దులే ముద్దులు :) )

Later I was moved to S.V.B.K school, where they give same importance to studies as well as extra curricular activities.  I was joined in school dance troupe and used to perform in school anniversary programs. we used to have exhibition every year, we need to prepare and exhibit our knowledge in any subject.  Till date I exactly dunno what opinion my teachers used to have on me , my behavior and attitude... but I used to participate in each and every activity in those days... whether it is an elocution , essay writing , music competition or  dance performance I used to enroll myself for every thing.... and participated in all activities....  

That was the stage when I  learned different things of socialism.. That was when I was academically poor in social studies but not in being socialistic... I never expected to win a prize in everything I participated, but I just showed my enthu in all activities...

Apart from participating in different activities we friends used to have lot of fun ... combined studies.... birthday parties... spirit games (though I never played)... silly disputes... (at that time those were real serious fights but now on recollecting I cant stop laughing how we used to fight for silly things those daz... ) , lunch time chit chat, fighting with classmates for places during lunch time, sharing lunch boxes with friends and those exam times....... I still remember  showing my paper to every one and get scoldings from teachers for that... I was just an average student  but enjoyment was at top in those days.... Its really refreshing recollecting all those good old school days.... I miss those daz... but had loads of memories of those times to cherish 

love those days forever :) :) :) 

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