Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day !!!

Happy Mother's Day, and many thanks to all moms who love children unconditionally.

We don't always make it easy on you, so thanks for hanging in there and supporting us through thick and thin.You have toiled, you have sacrificed, you have given more than we can ever imagine possible...

"The word mother in itself means so much to all of us. She is an epitome of love, understanding, and patience and not to forget perseverance. She is the one who nurtures us in her womb with utmost care and once we come into this world she is the one who teaches us to speak first words, walk first steps and think first thoughts. No wonder, these first few words, steps and thoughts lay the cornerstone for rest of our life. 

Mother is someone who gives everything to us and expects nothing in return. She is the one who gives us first lessons in sharing and caring. She is the one who keeps awake all night by our side when we are sick, she is the one who always knows what is going on inside us, and she is the one who forgives and forgets so easily. Whether you are 12, 32 or 42, you are always a kid for your mother. She is the one who always has something to tell us and she is the one who hears you patiently. We might often be too busy for our mom but she is never too busy for us. A mother teaches us to trust ourselves because she has immense faith in us. She is often the only one who believes in you and never loses hope even when you have lost all hope yourself"

Mother! In my dreams
You take me in your arms
To the land that is beautiful
And full of charms
All so peaceful
Smiles are given for free
Stream of love
Flowing all around me
Hope is not a word here
All is in reality
For this is a land
Of high moralities 
Green grass is sparkling
With tiny drop of dew
For in the land of dreams
It is always morning
And sky is blue!
I must awake now
In a new day
Reality is the game
That I must play!
I enjoyed my journey
In the dreamland
And what I enjoyed most
That I was in your hands
I will always love you !
Happy mother's day!


  1. A very beautiful one....Sure MOTHER is a single word (You can say a feeling aswell) which gives you support,love and care....and everything what you need.

  2. :) very true akka... And belated Mothers Day wishes for you ... :)
