Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Anniversary .....

"Days are long BUT Years are short" - he ha .. I felt its so true when I realized Its been a year since I have married.. We both couldn't imagine we completed one year of our togetherness :). Time Just flies, and as I write this .. its been 1.5 year of our marriage and nearly 1 year that I have been here in Singapore..
We Planned a trip to Bintan Island - Indonesia for Anniversary celebrations :) 

Bintan is the largest island in the Riau province, area. It is truly an unique paradise. Simple life, beautiful beach, friendly people which bring us the leisure. The island gives refreshment to our mind. In Bintan island, most of the resorts accept Singapore Dollars (SGD) and  US Dollars (USD).The Bintan Currency is IDR (Indonesian Rupee).Its not equivalent to our Indian Rupee. 
1 SGD = 6000 IDR :) you can imagine the currency difference. Bintan is one of the costly Islands in Indonesia. Will explain  - We have ordered 2 coke Tins in our resort just before check - in. he simply gave 2 coke and bill which stated - 1,44,000 IDR which is equivalent to 24 SGD and 780 INR (Indian Rupee)Ha ha ha... Before going to Bintan , we heard its costly island but it was shock to hear 2 cokes cost around 24SGD :) (FYI - a coke tin in Singapore in just 0.60 SGD)

We boarded Ferry (ship/boat)- It's just 1 hr from Singapore to Indonesia Bintan Island on Ferry.  TanahMera Ferry terminal in Singapore is more or less similar to Mini Airport with Arrival - Departure and Gates as usual :) First time traveling through ferry on Sea.. We were fully exited and a bit nervous too. The Boarding pass is just a card they will give you, the door will open only on taping a genuine boarding pass. Why can't they implement such things in our places...(I have not been to much places , may be it's already there :) ) Finally we are on Board :) wooooo..... The initial 5-10 min were terrible for me... I felt nauseated as sea waves will be more .... after that we enjoyed the beautiful sea Journey, happily eating cashews :D We got down at Bintan Ferry terminal - Indonesia. Its on-Arrival Visa, so we need to take our VISA there in the Terminal. We got Mislead by some stupid terminal officer over there, he managed to gather some people for him (we were also part of them) and he gt our VISA stamped but took double amount that what it usually costs.. :( hmmm.. What can we do... got to be very very cautious and careful...
We booked a resort room already, it has a bus from terminal to the resort. We went out and boarded the bus to Resort...Its nearly one hour journey from terminal to resort... Finally reached the resort and checked Inn... We got refreshed and visited beach...Its awesome... I say awesome... white Sand Beach and Blue Sea...I have seen such beaches only in movies till that date.... but now... I have seen them directly , touched the white sand , played and enjoyed :)Evening we have plan to go for jet ski.. but as the waves are high they have canceled and asked us to come next day morning..We had a walk along the beach awwwwww.... A.B.K was eager to swim , as he got a chance after soo long time after marriage :) We went to swimming pool... Its not too deep, but I dint dare entering the pool as I do not know how to swim. He enjoyed swimming, and I enjoyed resting on swim chairs (:p I mean the chairs which they place all around the swimming pool... Who might have seen in many movies... :) ) After completing this task we went to a beach restaurant  for dinner.Its beautiful dining at sea shore:) seeing  waves.. enjoying  sea breeze... though the dinner doesn't taste much good... I can say we had a nice and pleasant dinner...
Next day morning as usual got up bit late...Entire resort is wifi enabled... All our people came online in skype and wished us for our anniversary(I have my PSP with me ) :) It's nice ... staying sooo long and without mobile access but still .. i am able to talk to my people.. :) We felt happy for that :) .Next we had a complimentary Breakfast from resort :) Its too good:) (For First Time I ate noodles with chopsticks :) not too difficulty but we need to get used for that :D) We went for water sports area and got jet ski tickets and jet bike too :) Initially I was soo afraid I didn't allow ABK to go far inside.. I asked him to just go all along the shore it self, We have got a trainer too .. he advised we can't do jet ski on shores as people can't swim there coz of the fuel from these bikes... Finally I agreed and we went into sea on jet bike......I can't imagine its sooo good... After 5 min of skiing, I don't want to come out of that :) We enjoyed long circles so long from shore that we cant see people on shore :) . We feel as if we are in middle of sea as we see just water all around us.. (chaaron tara paani hi paani :) )Its amazing and wonderful experience.. :) .Our times up after 30 min:( We got some still snaps on jet ski and got down... had some rest at shore and headed back to our main place. (Nirvana Restaurant has many hotels and restaurant along the coast, they provide shuttle buses for every 15 - 30 minutes from one place to others). Reached our room, packed everything, took some nice snaps and finally bus to ferry terminal and ferry to Singapore... 

Totally Totally we enjoyed our trip a lot and captured wonderful memorable moments :)

Friday, May 14, 2010

మంచి మాటలు

seeing good words ,  inspirational quotes, I get Inspired- may be its heavy word -  at least I get some strength for that time to accomplish unfinished things, to overcome my sadness, they make me think ...they make me do.... they make me feel confident... I just want to share some such quotes. I am not saying that I follow every such word I see but most often they give me relief and I just feel -  yes its sooo true..... :)

Miscellaneous -
  • Life is to give not to take - You can experience immense pleasure in giving than in taking.It may be doing something for charity or spreading LOVE for your loved ones :)
  • Believe in the Best and forget the Rest - What ever you do Just be confident on yourselves
  • Life is too short to regret about anything  - sooo true
  • jindagi ko jeo .. sirf jinda math raho - njoy this LIFE to max.. donno KAL HO NA HO.. its only today , now and this moment in your hands... make the best out of it :)
  • Words are the best way to express our feelings..And if the words are framed in Quotes, they get a LIFE.. :)
  • Try not to become a man of success but a man of value - you have certain PRIDE in being valued...
  • Happy are those who dream dreams and are ready to pay the price to make them come true.
  • There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so - think Good, do Good and Be Good :)
  • A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart - Man today is what he thinks in past. what he thinks all along his life he becomes the same- so think good, think positive and you will become what you want... Strength lies with you not anywhere else...
  • People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care - Be caring to every one.... As you expect others to be caring towards you so the others do ...
  • Be who you are in every situation - Express your true-self, don't hide your identity...
  • It is great to be great,but it is greater to be human
  • If u can't stand for something..u will fall for everything
  • Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone Else's life 
  • every morning you have two choices...
    either continue your sleep with dreaming...
    or wake up an chase your dreams...
  • Be the change that you want to see in the world - Gandhi
  • Forgive & Forget - Mantra for happiness
  • Whatz Next - Mantra for growth
  • Feel of contentment - Mantra for Peace
  • Give unconditionally - Mantra for Love
  • Anytime, any place do your best - Mantra for success
My favorite site and my favorite quotes are mostly from PRAVS WORLD - All are Best in it and some of  those best quotes -
  • You are Born to Live. Don't Live because you are Born
  • If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours
  • Don't wait until everything is just right. It will never be perfect. There will always be challenges, obstacles and less than perfect conditions. Get started now.
  • Always appreciate what we HAVE before time forces us to appreciate what we HAD.
  • Life is very short. So break silly rules, Forgive quickly, Believe slowly, Love truly, Laugh loudly, Share happily and Never avoid any thing that makes you smile :)
  • There are times in Life when we feel that all Doors are Closed for us. If this happens to you, remember that - Closed Doors doesn't mean that they are Locked!
  • Life doesn't provide Warranties & Guarantees. It only provides possibilities & opportunities for those who dare to make best use of it
  • A third person never creates any misunderstanding between two people. But a misunderstanding between two people creates space for a third person.
  • Life: When you think you have got all answers, Life changes its questions.
  • When it is Dark Enough you can see the stars. 
  • I cried because I had no shoes; Till I saw a man with no feet. Life is full of blessings. Sometimes we're just to blind to see them
  • If there was ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, IT IS NOW.
  • Instead of avoiding challenges, jump into them.Challenges come not to depress or get you down, but to master and to grow and to unfold your ability
    These are just few of many .. Please feel free and share your favorite quotes through your comments.... Your own quotes/self sayings are also appreciated :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Looong Laaasting .....

On a lazy sunny day - was going through  blogs....a post among them deals with relationship - bonding - bonding a strong relation etc etc -
many questions raised in my little brain -

What keep a relation Strong ???
What makes people hang on for each other  life long???
What makes a person feel other person can be his/her mate ???

In quoting a relation I pick up all kinds -

Wife - husband - How can one decide - this person suits me as Life Partner - As in movies do we also have any signs when we see him/her??? వాన పడటం , పూలు రాలటం , some unique sign ;)
Friends - What makes this bond of friend ship ... Some stay for a while .. Some stay for long time and some we can never think of leaving them.
relatives - though we can't chose them, the bondage between some ppl is beyond words...
siblings - నూర్గురు సోదరులున్న కురవుల కన్న పంచ పాండవులే మిన్న కదా !!!

what makes a relation strong and what breaks a relation ???
can we build a strong relation creating just good opinions with all lies - వంద అపద్దాలు చెప్పి ఐన ఒక పెళ్లి చెయ్యమన్నారు పెద్దలు .. కాని ఈ కాలం లో  -  girls are competing with boys in every field... Every one wants to be Independent ... everybody have their own opinions , impressions, likes and dislikes... - still this age old principle stay good...???
అదే పెద్దలు మరి దేనికైనా పునాది నమ్మకం అని కూడా చెప్పారు  కదా ... !!!

I believe second than first - Trust is the Standing pillar for any relation to stay strong for life long .. 
The day that is lost - you have lost the person even ....  
It doesn't matter you know the person for one year or 10 years .. but once you come to know that the person has given you false impressions hiding the true self -  not even a day it takes for that relation to break.
Share your thoughts with your loved ones - share your true thoughts - sharing and caring makes a strong bondage grow. Give a true impression of yours for any one you want to be with , you want to make friendship with , you want to share your life with . Don't ever create false impression... though you may succeed to gain other person, it will not stand strong in long run. Positive alwaz dominates. Truth alwaz excels.. If you truly needs other person try to understand the person and get along with them but not with false impressions... A good relationship between two people does depend on good understanding between them and it also depends on how better they avoid  misunderstandings...
When you build a relation with trust, it stays so strong that even if some small miss-understandings rise between people, it erases them  forgiving those small things.(when you do not have trust  - even small things seems to be big enough,  far from the scope to forgive the other person)
So...  its very simple to have life long relation ships ..Be true to yourself and to ones you want to be with.. Don't expect anything from others , alwaz try to give and spread love - u may be thinking I haven't mentioned LOVE which is basic thing - I just didn't mention as it is basic and common, without LOVE there is no point to discuss about Relationship at all :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mothers Day !!!

Happy Mother's Day, and many thanks to all moms who love children unconditionally.

We don't always make it easy on you, so thanks for hanging in there and supporting us through thick and thin.You have toiled, you have sacrificed, you have given more than we can ever imagine possible...

"The word mother in itself means so much to all of us. She is an epitome of love, understanding, and patience and not to forget perseverance. She is the one who nurtures us in her womb with utmost care and once we come into this world she is the one who teaches us to speak first words, walk first steps and think first thoughts. No wonder, these first few words, steps and thoughts lay the cornerstone for rest of our life. 

Mother is someone who gives everything to us and expects nothing in return. She is the one who gives us first lessons in sharing and caring. She is the one who keeps awake all night by our side when we are sick, she is the one who always knows what is going on inside us, and she is the one who forgives and forgets so easily. Whether you are 12, 32 or 42, you are always a kid for your mother. She is the one who always has something to tell us and she is the one who hears you patiently. We might often be too busy for our mom but she is never too busy for us. A mother teaches us to trust ourselves because she has immense faith in us. She is often the only one who believes in you and never loses hope even when you have lost all hope yourself"

Mother! In my dreams
You take me in your arms
To the land that is beautiful
And full of charms
All so peaceful
Smiles are given for free
Stream of love
Flowing all around me
Hope is not a word here
All is in reality
For this is a land
Of high moralities 
Green grass is sparkling
With tiny drop of dew
For in the land of dreams
It is always morning
And sky is blue!
I must awake now
In a new day
Reality is the game
That I must play!
I enjoyed my journey
In the dreamland
And what I enjoyed most
That I was in your hands
I will always love you !
Happy mother's day!

Friday, May 7, 2010

I Want To Go Back To The Time When....

If God Grant Me One Wish - My Wish Would Be

I Want To Go Back To The Time
When DAD Was The Only HERO,
When The Only Thing That Could HURT Were BLEEDING KNEES,
Not The TEARS Falling Down Your Cheeks.
When The Only Things BROKEN Were TOYS,
Not For YEARS and YEARS...

thoughts about those daz alwaz brings lots n lots of good memories.....We used to be the kings and queens of Empire - Our Home... what ever you do -  It's Correct.. what ever you say - you will be Praised.. What ever you want to do .. you Can ..My Mom and grannies used to tell me stories every night before going to sleep , and even at my eating time.. I used to ask many stupid , silly and innocent questions for those stories.... I remember one such short story  my  granny used to tell me If I don't eat food..  కథలు చెప్తూ అన్నం పెడితే తినేసేదాన్ని .. So they use that trick whenever i don't eat food properly ...
It goes like this ----

"మరీ మన ఇంట్లో ఏమి జరిగిందో  తెలుసా !!!! Some excitement starts within me... what happened!!! Within that excitement unknowingly I start eating food listening to the story and that too real story that happened in my home...  - మీ పెదనాన , ఆమ్మ అందరు Hyd నుంచి వచారు - డాడీ ఏమో బోలెడు మామిడిపళ్ళు తెచారు - ఆ పళ్లన్నీ బుట్టలో వేసి మన  -మామ్మ గారి ఇంట్లో ఉండేవాళ్ళం కదా ఆ ఇంట్లో అనమాట - kitchen లో దాచిపెట్టాము... ఇక  అందరు ఎఅరి పనులు వాళ్ళు చేసుకుంటున్నారు - నేను వంట, daddy ఏమో  tutions, బామ్మ ఏమో తాతగారికి కావలసినవి ఇస్తున్నారు అలా అనమాట -  ఇక అంత అయ్యాక అన్నం తినే ముందు మామిడి పళ్ళు తెచుకున్దామని ఆ గది లోకి వెళ్తే ఒక కోతి చక్కగా కూర్చొని మామిడి పళ్ళు తింటోంది .. మరి నాకు కోతి అంటే భయం కదా .. నా మీద పది కరుస్తుందని భయపడి నేను మీ డాడీ ని పిలిచాను , డాడీ వచ్చి కోతిని తరిమేశారు ... కాని మామిడి పళ్ళ బుట్ట చూస్తే ఖాళి ఐపొఇది !!! Me asking with curiosity  - ఆ కోతి అన్ని తినేసిందా  !!! - బోలెడు పళ్ళు కాదమ్మా ఏమయ్యాయా అని డాడీ మేము చూస్తే వెనకాల సందులో కోతులు వరసగా కుర్చుని మన మామిడి పళ్ళు తినేస్తున్నయ్యి ... again me - అమ్మూ.. ఎన్ని కోతులు వచాయి ??? మీ మీదకి వచాయ ???- అప్పుడు డాడీ , పెదనాన్న, కర్రల్లు తీసికెళ్ళి కోతుల్ని భయపెట్టి తరిమేశారు .. చేతులో కర్ర ఉంది కదా అందుకని మన మీదకి రావి అవి . వాటికి కూడా భయం ఉంటుంది కదా !!! Myself felt gr8 about my Dad - he is the Man - he is Hero !! and ask my mother - మరి మామిడి పళ్ళూ ??? - ఇంకా ఎక్కడ పళ్ళు కోతులు అన్ని ఖాళి చేసేసాయి గా - అప్పుడు ఏమయ్యింది  ??? - ఇంకా ఏముంది కధ కంచికి మనం మన పనికి .. :)  వెళ్లి ఇక ఆడుకో పో !!! తరవాత ఏమి జరిగిందో రేపు చెప్తాను సరేనా ...."

ha ha  ha - by the time she completes the story I used to complete eating food :) such an easy way to feed me.. How good I am - Eat my food for small story.... :) But there is actual story at background ...u knw what  ???
The story which my mom narrated to me and which I conveyed the to you just now  was all a fictitious story :) Every thing in that story is just in my mothers words but not in real - my relatives coming from hyd - my dad getting mangoes from market - monkeys coming at eating all mangoes leaving them nothing - my dad shewing away monkeys nothing happened in reality :) My గ్రంనీ used to tell me the same story every time when I try to avoid lunch or dinner so that listening to her story I used to eat silently totally involved in story :) - of course most of stories were written and are not true - author of above story is MY PEOPLE - MY GRANNY ,  MY MOTHER :) ... they managed to make me eat food and happy with her story ... 
I want to go back to those daz 
When we are soo innocent... 
When our parents think about ideas other than scoldings and beatings to make us do things :0) -
When my mother and grannies tell me lots n lots of stories which I listen with utmost interest... 
When All mischief I done was out of my innocence 
When Parents were soo happy seeing my small mischief's
When I slept happily in my mothers laps with no worries about hike - no tensions about work - no fears for nothing
When I used to play happily with ppl grannies and grandpa's - as they are our best friends at home :) 
I want to go back to those daz.....

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

yeppy !!!!

Finally I am proud owner of Dell inspiron Mini 10V :)
As per initial plan it has to reach me somewhere in june end, but  some how managed to get it last Friday.
Dell has excellent online support for its products(we had 2.5 Hr call with Dell support Team ;)) and review for this mini 10v were quite impressing.
Configuration :-
color - black 
160 GB  HDD
1GB Ram
1.6GHz Intel Atom Processor
10.1" wide screen with 
Built in Mic , Speakers and  VGA Camera
wifi compatible(blue tooth is not there for mine)
Windows XP SP3
3 USB Ports
SD Card Reader 

Its no where less to a laptop except for the screen size... So cute and has easy access.. I can carry anywhere ,its feather weight :) There's thankfully little wasted space in the keyboard tray, with wide, flat keys going nearly edge-to-edge.Dell offers an industry-standard, one-year, parts-and-labor warranty with the system, which includes on-site service  - after what the company calls "remote diagnosis". Online support is accessible through a 24-7  phone line. 

Hope I have given you enough info which helps you go for dell mini if you need to purchase a net-book ;). BDW... సందట్లో సడేమియా types  - when we ordered Dell Mini Online. I bought Logitech Speakers here in Singapore Expo Mall.. They are so cute and perfectly compatible to this Net-book. As we say for human beings, We can even say same for  my net-book and speakers- They Are  Made For Each Other... :p

Monday, May 3, 2010

Araku - Borra Caves

As I mentioned  - here goes ARAKU TRIP
We can board early morning train from vizag to Araku. usually people prefer train journey for their first visit to Araku, It's good going through tunnels and shouting :D.I don't remember the exact count - but we came across nearly 20 tunnels and people in train never miss a single tunnel to shout. Who are fond of tunnels prefer standing at gate rather struggling to get a seat in train :) We got down at Borra caves station - its always better first to see borracaves and from there you can go to Araku by bus or many cabs are available. 

@ Borra cave Station , we managed to get a Van. 
We with another couple of  newly married couples :p
Had break fast just near the station - idly-saambar mmmmm Super :)
Next Borra caves  - The Caves are basically Karstic limestone structures extending to a depth of 80 m ,considered the deepest cave in India. Unfortunately we couldn't take better photographs due to dim light inside the caves. the government has took measures to provide some lighting inside the caves. We heard those are not there previously. Though i have been to Ajantha - ellora in Maharashtra I haven't felt the real cave feeling over there - these are famous for their kotah architecture -  but Borra caves are at their best. 
From Borra Caves we went to water falls. Heard India's Highest water falls - don't curse me if it is not true, I don't remember exactly :)We  have to go trekking  long distance to go near water falls. One of the couple who came with us dropped in half route as the women said she can't go any further. Even our A.B.K tried to avoid going but main hoon naaa... to bug him :) Finally I made up his mind to go for some more distance and have a look. Finally we managed to reach water falls. They are tooooooo cold. We can't step our legs in those water. Finally finally we some how stepped forward and enjoyed the chill :)We headed back and had some vada  on the way back- but not at all gud it is full of oil :(
After returning we started our journey towards Araku in the same Van. On the way we came across many Tea and coffee plantations. We also came across the places where our super hit movie 'nuvvu vasthananate nenu voddantaana' was made:)  the journey was nice all through those ghat roads(luckily I din't vomit :p)

As we entered Araku Van driver stopped us near a museum. It is all about the traditions and cultures of people in and around Araku. Obviously Different and nice. Our Room is so near to the museum, we headed to Hotel Room and checked In. We got a Room though AP Tourism. the location of the Hotel was sooo sooo sooo nice. It's pretty much good for newly wedded couples ;)We ourselves felt it soo cool as in Munnar. As the dailouge says - kamare - kamare ke aage balcony - balocony ke aage very beautiful scenic beauty and pleasant atmosphere. Once we go there we never feel like coming back. We decided, if any small opportunity comes our way to stay in vizag we will not loose it as we can be to Araku quite often.:) it was aaahhaaaa :) It's almost evening we reached our destination. Had dinner in the restaurant - ok types :) , only problem over there is we will not have signal in mobile. I think only BSNL tower is there. We didn't talk to our people since morning that day, thought of calling from hotel but they don't have any such facility so went out to make call. It's dark by the time we came out. i was so much afraid by darkness i told we will go back but do you think will our A.B.K listen....hmmm he made me walk all through that darkness till main road. But it was nice walking lonely on dark roads with very very few people around :) thrilling experience...
We made calls to our parents, described how beautiful locations are and we ourselves felt very very happy :) 

next Day morning we had a complimentary breakfast @ our restaurant. Roamed all around till we got tired of roaming and then took bus to reach vizag. He took nearly 7 hrs to come back to vizag. very very tiresome journey. Had food in some local Restaurant, reached home and happily slept . We are tired... need lots n lots of rest ......

Sunday, May 2, 2010

I am Vegetarian And I DO NOT EAT FISH

I am terrified to eat anything outside in this city...
Had enough experiences for this..

Incident 1: Go to Subway and order for Veg Sub - She asks : Can I put some Fish ...
(Is Fish a vegetarian - the I can say all chicken , crab every thing are veg even :(... ohh god)

Incident 2: Went to Cake World . Every time I usually have garlic bun, this time I couldn't get it, but have seen similar bun but no tag as to say what it is... I asked the waiter  - Is this vegetarian - She said: Yes, it is.. Its just has some tomato San. I couldn't get what is this tomato san, thought its a tomato curry types.. but still struggling to get wht it means actually - then another women who came to buy some cakes told be its kind of Fish... ooooooooooo... no words s imply left the bakery :p

Incident 3: It happened in Malaysia - KL . This is ultimate of above Incidents even.
We are very tired after viewing Batu caves. went up into the cave and returned. Its too hot and we are very much hungry. have seen a board vegetarian Restaurant near by .. Thought we are very lucky enough to see that... Went to that restaurant. Got some nice place near Fan , AC and I relaxed, while Chaitu went to get food tokens. The Menu goes like this to order - Veg Chicken, Veg Fish, Veg Mutton and so on...Wht..... Confused chaitu came to me asked what can I have... Veg chicken or Veg Fish .... 
What choice do I have other than leaving the restaurant....
I want to stand in center of City and Shout..... I am Vegetarian And I Do Not Take FISH