Friday, July 9, 2010

Belief - In - OneSelf ~~ SELF ESTEEM

The only Strength that drives you heights in Life is BELIEF IN YOURSELF- Having SELF ESTEEM.Every one will have their own opinion on self-esteem and the importnace of self-esteem.And yet the general understanding of the  meaning of self-esteem differs from one another. I wonder theres an association for self esteem .NASE - National Assosiation for Self Esteem.NASE believes self-esteem is "The experience of being capable of meeting life's challenges and being worthy of happiness."  The purpose of this organization is to fully integrate self-esteem into the fabric of American society so that every individual, no matter what their age or background, experiences personal worth and happiness.  Even The Art of Living Foundation , inspired by the programs of spiritual leader and humanitarian His Holiness Sri Sri Ravi Shankar offers programs to uncover the strength, peace, and joy that lie at the core of every human being.If you are a person with a healthy level of self-esteem, you will deal with the problems you encounter in a productive fashion without throughing yourself into unnecesary trouble and worries.

In each and evry step IN and OUT of our life we meet many challenges.Take on the challenge and you will be able to accomplish it only if you have will to make it.The Confidence in you makes you acomplish the challenge and prepares you to get ready for the next .Over time this adds up to a s
stronger self-image. We begin to believe we are worthy of happiness. That’s a very good place to be.

When we have low self-esteem, we do not have confidence in our ability to meet the challenges we face or the desire to undertake something that might appear difficult. Instead, we are fearful and unwilling to take the risks and steps necessary, even if we very much want to.Then we try to find out reasons to avoid it thinking about the risks it may cause and our dream begins to fizzle. When we walk away from our dreams , we will find ourselves stuck and feeling unfulfilled.

When you have interest to do something, to acheive some thing do not allow yourself to be gripped by low self esteem.By doing so , you are actually making the matter worse and moving away and far from your dreams.If intead , use positive thoughts as - "I can do this...", "Why Can't I do... " you will slowly move towards your dream.Taking small steps toward our dreams, we will build our self-esteem and move our lives toward a place of happiness and fulfillment.

* make a list of 5 things you've wanted to do or learn. Number them in the order of difficulty. Start with the easiest item first and challenge yourself to complete them over time.

*Take up a new hobby , Buidling self esteem. having belief in you can make you do wonders. learn to dance or take singing lessons, learn to do painting, clay models, take a cooking lesson. The choices are endless and only limited to your imagination and your interest.

*join for Aerobics/Zym ,  do some excerise in home,  make habit of taking yoga classes early in the morning. A Person who is physically fit will also be mentally strong

 I have put down these points observing things around. I study people. I learn from them and I pen down my thoughts from what I have learnt...Think practically.. Take up an action that you have been avoiding since long time with positive affirmation and confidence, you will be able to acheive it for sure. Life seems Exiting , Enjoyble and Worth Living once you start Beliving in Yourself @ Evry time.