Saturday, October 8, 2016

Amma - Give Me A Part Of You !!

Right from the moment I gave birth to my first KID..... My world changed a lot... More Love, More responsible, More affection... More care... a little more in everything.....  and in that process I understood my MOM a little MORE and MORE ... 

She was the first person to hold my baby when I was still in Operation Theater.... Her energy and efforts were only things that put me up for the rest of my post delivery struggle due to C- Section.  Be it, cleaning, burping the baby, swinging him to sleep, calming him when he was crying, what not my mom did everything. I could not move due to anesthesia , she did everything for my baby. I used to fall asleep at times ,  she never disturbed me from my sleep. she used to stay awake all night with my son to look after him.  She just stayed with me and my kid all the time in hospital, while managing things at home were not so easy... Miraculously she din't show any sign of FATIGUE or  RESTLESSNESS ...  I wonder from where did she get all of that strength from ..... I could only say - MOM please give me a part of your STRENGTH !!

There are time when my kids do so much fuss to eat. At time I feel like screaming up and later I give up everything and feel like crying... Then I remember my mom.... She used to do so many things ... with so much patience..... I rarely saw her crying out of helplessness.... Such times I feel like saying - MOM give me part of your Patience !!

There are moments when I am amazed to see my kids grow up soo fast...I am scared if I would be good enough for them - social, emotional, bonding and many others..  I worry if I would be good enough in upbringing them as a responsible citizens for country ... I fear if I would be nice to them in their journey ... I worry if I could support them in all situations they face in their struggle to stand up firm in any kind of situation... And then I think of my mom, She is always there and we never looked for anything else... she is the reason for what I am today ... Till date she has supported me in everything that I have taken up and helped in all through ups and downs I have faced... I want to say - MOM.... Give me part of your Confidence  !!

At times I am scared about what to do when life shows up some unexpected painful challenges and experiences . I remember my mom who stood like a rock throughout and fought strong in such situations - may me major or minor . Thinking of her I really really wonder, how she handled her own  fears... Maa , I really tell you I couldn't have handled any such things the way you did  .... You stood Strong and showed us the right path. I just want to tell you - MOM.... Give me part of your Courage !!

Everything you did and still does makes me move forward with confidence.You set an example for me... You are my role model. I don't feel guilt when your son-in-law asks me to , learn from you and do chores like you .. I take pride in that.. I knew you are the best... My MOM is the best ...And so ... I want to say -


P.S : Idea from another article,changed as per my own thoughts for my MOM. 

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Give A Thought..!!

 I am forced to write a simple thought......I came across a beautiful article over internet...


          On the first day of their marriage, wife and husband decided and agreed not to open the door for anyone!
On that day first, husband’s parents came to see them, they were behind the door.

Husband and the wife looked at each other, husband wanted to open the door, but since they had an agreement he did not open the door, so his parents left.
After a while the same day, wife’s parents came, wife and the husband looked at each other and even though they had an agreement, wife with tears on her eyes whispered, “I can’t do this to my parents”, and she opened the door.
Husband did not say anything, years passed and they had 4 boys and the fifth child was a girl. The father, planned a very big party for the new born baby girl, and he invited everyone over.
Later that night his wife asked him what was the reason for such a big celebration for this baby while we did not do it for the others!
The Husband simply replied, “because she is the one who will open the door for me!”

such a nice post... indeed its one of the top posts in Face Book.

Reading this post made me happy thinking there are posts that elevate daughters, but on second note - Why she dint open the door for her husbands parents..?? After all they are also family... ?? She is a daughter...  When a girl/women has the strong mind to leave her own house, her own name, her own existing identity and be a women of a man forever, she do has that soft tender heart to look after her in-laws as her second parents. 

  one way we are highlighting girls/women saying they are there for parents and they are no less to sons, but then why again pulling them down by saying daughter-in-laws dint open doors ..??
The story would be more meaningful if the father was happy that he got a chance to teach her daughter to open the door for her in-laws as well as she does for her parents, and look after them as her own people. 

P.S: This just my own thought , not to hurt anyone or others feelings.... :)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Sometimes ....

Sometimes ...
things are so hard and painful and let go of ...

sometimes ...
a question drives me crazy .. am I or the others are crazy ...

sometimes ...
the heart sees what is invisible to our eyes...

sometimes ...
I am so clever that I dont understand a single word of what I am saying ...

sometimes ...
I try to be real nice to friends , but they take it advantage ...

sometimes ...
I care alot for ppl, who doesn't even have a single thought  for me ...

sometimes ...
We stare so long at a door that is closing that we see too late the one that is open ...

sometimes ...
you have to giveup the fight and walk away, and move on ...

sometimes ...
It is those whose case is weak who make the most clamour...

sometimes ...
you're ahead, sometimes you are behind ...

sometimes ...
you just have to smile, pretend Everything's Okay, hold back the tear and just walk away ...

sometimes ...
I lie awake at night , and ask, ' where have I gone Wrong ? ' Then a voice says to me, " This is going to take more than one night." ...

sometimes ...
I think the better comes after the worse ...

sometimes ...
Courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, " I will Try again Tomorow" Courage doesnt always Roar ...

sometimes ...
you need to step outside, get some air, and remind yourself of who you are and who you want to be ...

sometimes ...
I think on whats stopping me ...

sometimes ...
I remind myself that it's Okay not to be Prefect ...

Sometimes ...
I think to disappear, but all I want is to be found ...

sometimes ...
we make things complicate when they really are simple ...

sometimes ...
you are at the top of the hill feeling good ...

sometimes ...
Its better not to think too much and leave things for time ...

sometimes ...
even to live is an act of courage ...

sometimes ............

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

How do you Really Look At things ??

A small story I came across and would love to share it to everyone  - 
One day a father and his rich family took his son to a trip to the country with the firm purpose to show him how poor people can be. They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.
When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “How was the trip?”
“Very good Dad!”
“Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked.
“And what did you learn?”
The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four. We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden, they have a creek that has no end. We have imported lamps in the garden, they have the stars. Our patio reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon.”
When the little boy was finishing, his father was speechless. His son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!”
Isn’t it true that it all depends on the way you look at things? If you have love, friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude towards life-you’ve got everything!
You can’t buy any of these things, but still you can have all the material possessions you can imagine, provisions for the future, etc., but if you are poor of spirit, you have nothing!!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Count Down To A New Year !!!

The clock is counting down
its hands are moving to join together
In an hour of a new rejoice
A new moment
A new start of life
we stand before it
stand in ana awe as th ehours become minutes
minutes to seconds

A new year could not exits iless
we look back on good old days
cherish all those memories of the present year that is gonna be past in no time
The clocks big hand moving towards his little brother...

The Passion I yield it is forever
I turn around with full enthusiasm  for a new year
for another gr8 year full of exitments , Up's and even Down's
We can never understand the power of a sucess unless you have ever faced a failure,
Learn to face failure to enjoy your sucess ahead

I kneel down  with an Aweeeee for time is closing this year END
I Am Happy For those comming days of New Year
I am happy for chances of Happiness and new goals
and therefore breaking down on the first Day --------

Few 2012 Memories
January 01 2013
The Time Is Hear
PEOPLE Rejoice By screaming in Air
HAPPY NEW YEAR -  2013 !!!!!

Lets Welocme this new year with smiles on our faces and
hopes in our hearts for the best ad only the best
A New Year, A new Start and way to go !!!
The First Blank Page of a 365 Pages Notebook. Make it a Good one.. :)

Happy New Year Dear Friends -
In This New Year Ahead -
Say Good Words,
Think Good Thoughts,
Do Good Deeds.
Live Happy - Stay Healthy :)

Hearty Welcome For A Brand New Year !!!
Make This Year Another Colorful One !!